Tuesday, November 29, 2005

1977. Blizzard after-effects. This picture was published in a local paper back in 1977. If you look closely, there is a car parked behind the snowbank on the left side. This is a local back road - tunnel driving. We had massive snowstorms the winters of '76 - '78. I remember in 1978 we only had school three days a week for 6 weeks. A blizzard each weekend took 2 days to plow out sufficiently to open the school (I was in 8th grade at the time.). One of those years, when I walked on the snowbanks beside a main road to go to my friend's house, I would step over a street sign since it was only about 6 inches above the snowbank - just readable. Those were incredibly snowy years. Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 28, 2005

My Action-Hero Results -

You scored as William Wallace. The great Scottish warrior William Wallace led his people against their English oppressors in a campaign that won independence for Scotland and immortalized him in the hearts of his countrymen. With his warrior's heart, tactician's mind, and poet's soul, Wallace was a brilliant leader. He just wanted to live a simple life on his farm, but he gave it up to help his country in its time of need.

William Wallace


Lara Croft




Indiana Jones


The Amazing Spider-Man


Batman, the Dark Knight


Neo, the "One"


The Terminator


James Bond, Agent 007


El Zorro


Captain Jack Sparrow


Which Action Hero Would You Be? v. 2.0
created with QuizFarm.com

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Today is pain. But God is good. Yesterday I overdid it shoveling the driveway. It's my fault. The Lord tried to tell me through my Mom not to bother with the side of the drive my Mom uses and just shovel the side I use, because I'd need to drive out before she would (for church today). I didn't listen. Through the warm temperature (upper 30's? lower 40's?) and the bright sunshine the Lord tried to tell me it'd melt enough for my Mom by Monday - but I didn't listen to that either. Sometimes I can be so stubborn. Now I'll pay for it. I hope I learn from this to listen to the Lord and not my stubborn self. That would be the gift from this. For now, I'll get some ibuprophen, apply a heating/vibrating pad, call the Dr. tomorrow to see if I can get a muscle relaxer, and ouch my way everywhere I go. I hope I'll heal soon. Please pray for healing for me - I have to work tomorrow!

Thursday, November 24, 2005


In my prayer time this morning, I was contemplating sacrifice.

The person who sacrifices for someone else elevates that person from where they are to a new level - consider Jesus with us and Johnathon with David. Also, my sacrifice for someone else shows that person their worth and value to me. It elevates their worth and value in their own eyes and in the eyes of those around them. This is love! I can sacrifice for others, if I consider Christ's sacrifice for them, how much worth and value Christ places on them. Then I see that if they are worth sacrificing for to Christ, then they are certainly worth my sacrificing for them! (LORD, teach my heart to love!)-- Note: Christ sacrificed Himself for those who are worth it but don't deserve it. He sacrificed Himself for SINNERS like ME! Thank you Jesus!

I have worth because He loves me. He sacrificed Himself because He loves me and I'm worth it to Him - I didn't earn it and I don't deserve it, but I am worth it - because He loves me.

Saying this, I know I still have a fight on my hands - against my selfish flesh that wants to put ME first, against a society that says "look out for #1", and against the devil who doesn't want people to know their worth and value to God, and to me. But "I am more than a conquerer through Him who loved me and gave Himself for me".


I am so thankful for my family - it was a wonderful Thanksgiving (I'm full!). We had a full house today. My Mom & I live in a three bedroom mobile home (14' x 70') with one room addition. We had 13 adults, 2 teens, 5 kids, and a one year old - that's 21 altogether! The dining room is part of the kitchen. We had a T shaped table in the dining room and into the living room. The little kids ate in the living room at a separate table. Whew! I'm sure glad we potluck the dinner, splitting up cooking responsibilities, and use disposable tableware. We still spent a bit of time cleaning up afterward. It was great seeing everyone though and we all enjoyed ourselves. My year old nephew Ezra was fun to play with - he's starting to develop his personality and actively interacting with people. I thank GOD for blessing me with my family.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Friend? Brother? Soul-mate?

Friend, brother, soul-mate - what does it all mean?

Good friend
Best friend

These are the levels of relationships as I know it. But the question is, how do I define these? I'll start from the top and work my way down.


An aquaintence is someone I know but only nominally. By that I mean I only know what's on the outside, what I can see. I say hello and chat about the weather but I don't know them much better than that. I have some aquaintences, as I know you do as well, and some I'd like to get to know better - become friends.


A friend I know better than an aquaintence. I'd know some of your likes and dislikes, find I have some things in common with you, and spend some time with you.

Good friend

A good friend is one you trust to reveal more of yourself to. At this point, you begin to make yourself vulnerable to the other person, and they do the same with you. Also, some of my (your) less than sterling qualities begin to be evident, but I trust you to accept me anyway.

Best friend

A best friend knows your secrets. They don't judge or criticize you, but are willing to point out things to you that you might not like - because it'll help you grow. They know you won't shut them out for it. They are your shoulder to cry on and encourage you when you're down. You're comfortable being yourself with them. (And visa-versa, of course.)


I think of my natural siblings to define sister-brother relationships. Sisters and brothers are sisters and brothers no matter what happens. They may not even LIKE each other but they remain brother and sister. (Not that I dislike any of my natural brothers and sisters, although I do get frustrated with them sometimes.) We can be ourselves without fear of rejection. We feel free to discuss what's going on in each others lives and work out what's the best course of action. We can hold each other accountable. We are there for each other through everything. (Note all the "we" in there?) Within the body of Christ, we're called to this with each other - brothers and sisters in Christ - lots of "one another"ing.


This reminds me of David and Johnathan in the Bible. The Bible says "their souls were knit together". Some think of soul-mates as prospective husband or wife but a soul-mate can be between two men or two women. Soul-mate doesn't have to do with eros love, which is erotic love , but has to do with agape love, which is sacrificial, put the other person first, love.

Johnathan's father Saul was king of Israel at the time. Johnathan met David after David killed the giant Goliath. It was at this time their souls were knit together. Later, the Scriptures reveal that Johnathan knew that GOD was going to make David king, even though by bloodline Johnathan would be king. Because Johnathan loved David, his soul-mate, he gave David what he was wearing - his robe and tunic, even his sword, bow, and belt - in effect, putting David in his own place as heir to the throne. This is sacrificial love. This is the essence of soul-mate.

If we accept what Jesus did for us on the cross, His sacrificial giving of Himself for our sins (the wickedness and evil in our hearts, mouths, and deeds) and turn from our sins, then He becomes our soul-mate. In Jesus' heart we're His soul-mate, because He gave all He had sacrificially for us. "No greater love has a man than this, that he lay down his life for his friend." This is very true seeing He sends His Holy Spirit to live in us. "There is one who's closer than a brother."

An interesting note:

The Bible calls husbands to agape love their wives, to love them sacrificially, putting them before themselves. Nowhere does the Bible call wives to agape love their husbands, but to phileo love them, which is to love them with brotherly love. To balance this, all of GOD's children are called to agape love each other - no matter what their relationship to each other is.

I still have much room to grow here, as we all do. I'm thankful the LORD keeps growing me into the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Blessings and may your friendships keep growing, becoming fuller and richer day by day.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Beauuuutiful Day

What a beauuuutiful day. Well, I guess it's a little cold & snowy, but it is Friday. That makes it beauuuutiful. I get to sleep in (zzzzzz) a little in the morning. Saturday mornings are my move around slowly & spend time with the LORD time. I greatly enjoy my Saturday mornings. Tomorrow I'll have to get moving a bit earlier than normal due to putting in a couple hours at work. I'm also looking forward to the Thanksgiving weekend. 4 days off with the first one spent with family sharing a tasty repast. Friday night I'll be going to the Moscow Ballet performing the "Great Russian Nutcracker". I've never seen it before. I hope I can figure out what's going on. The remainder of the weekend I hope to rest (ahhhh) - I don't do that too often. Grace be unto you and peace from GOD our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Poetic thoughts

GOD is holy -
I am not.
He's full of goodness,
I have evil in my heart.
I tremble in fear
Because of GOD's wrath,
For He is righteous and just
Evil must be punished.

But GOD sent Jesus Christ,
The form of GOD's grace.
He sent Jesus to take my place.
Jesus is the bridge
Between the Just and unjust
He dissipates GOD's wrath toward me
And allows GOD's love to shine through.

If it wasn't for GOD's grace in Christ
I'd give up,
Curl up in a dark corner,
And die.
But His grace gives me hope.

GOD is a consuming fire.
Because of GOD's grace
Flowing from Christ's blood
I have hope.
Instead of the fire consuming me,
The fire warms me.

I can come out of the dark
Where I hide
Into the light of GOD
Because by GOD's grace in Jesus Christ
The light of the fire that's GOD
Won't burn me
But will warm and comfort me.

GOD's grace in Christ
Gives me hope to go on -
Even though I still fail -
Because He forgives me and releases me
From those failures
To go forward
Try again
And grow.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Chatterboxes and other things

I confess that my server was innocent of the problem with the chatterbox. The place I got it from is no longer making them available. Goes to show what happens when you jump to conclusions. Thanks Stephanie for doing the investigative work that brought the mystery to light. I bet you'd make a grand detective! I also thank you for finding another chatterbox to use. It's even better than the last one! Goes to show that "All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes."! - Even the things that are upsetting at the time. I'll more than likely still change servers - we've been having problems sending and receiving photo's and such over emails ever since we changed to this server. For their sakes I hope they get their problems worked out. I thank the LORD for restoring my lost purse today! Be blessed and may God be glorified!

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Hi. Just a little fiesty today. I had a bit of a rough morning today. Enemy (Satan) attack. The Lord gives me more grace though. I'm more than a conquerer through Him who loved me and gave His life for me. I'm also thankful for His forgiveness for my pity-party (private). Now I get on my blog and find out that my server yanked out my chatterbox. They didn't even email me asking me to remove it. They're losing my business. I don't know of any other servers that require you to pay for a website to have a chatterbox. Ah well. The Lord is my Shepherd and I think he's leading me to a new internet server. Pray that the Lord will lead me to the right one that's upright in it's dealings with their customers and also has a clean homepage. I do feel a little guilty now & hope they'll forgive me. They told me not to have the chatterbox, that I was supposed to have a paid website. I didn't remove the chatterbox, so it is my fault. After all, it is their server and they have the right to tell me what I can & can't have. If I wanted the chatterbox, it was up to me to get a new server, not be defiant and keep it going when they told me no. I'm sorry & next time I'll listen to my internet server and respect their right to run their server as they see fit. I'll just change servers. Thanks for letting me unload, repent, and be refreshed.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Can't see for the rain
Pouring down around me, beside me, through me.

Hear the pounding tempo on the surfaces about -
Echoing, silencing.

Feel the tiny pressures on the nerves under my skin -
Timeless, endless.

Pouring rain around me
Echoing through time
Flowing by in a glistening rush
Cleanse all that you touch.

Reminds me that
"Jesus is returning for His church - cleansed by the washing with the water of the Word"

I walk by faith and not by sight,
By the power of His might
As I listen and obey God's Word.

God is so good, but sometimes His hand isn't seen at first. Faith.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Test Results!

Yeah...good news! I got the placement test results. The english turned out better than I thought and on the math, my guesstimate was right on. Looks like I'll be taking a math and an english class next semester. Perhaps they'll even count the english class I took 22 years ago and I'll only have to take the one english class - wouldn't that be special! I will be taking math every semester as long as I'm at MCC though. Good thing I like math.

I'm enjoying the sunshine after the rain. Here at work we're surrounded by windows, so we can watch all that's going on around us. The european sparrows that were flying in great flocks are about all gone now. We still occasionally see bluebirds, along with snowbirds and sparrows. A bird feeder out here would be nice.

Pleasant Wednesday everyone.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

It's a new day!

Great is Thy faithfullness. His mercy is new every morning! Obviously I feel better today - I got a good nights sleep - YEAH! To comment on my last post - debates can be learning experiences if they're not a place of competition and/or a power struggle. I still eagerly look forward to heaven or the return of Jesus, whichever comes first.

By the way, did you see how good you are at recognizing fake smiles? (Check out the link.) Just so you don't feel bad, I only got 12 out of 20. Just be sure when you click the arrow to make-em smile, that you watch through the whole thing. Be blessed!

Monday, November 07, 2005

I don't know what to say

Hi. I about said it all in the title today. I've had an up & down day. Trouble sleeping this week. Struggle with a headache that won't go away. Sometimes I get sad. Sad at all the pain & trouble we cause each other. Sad at how I so often fall short. Sometimes I'm a fraidy cat, especially when it comes to relating with people. Afraid of rejection, so I hide. Afraid of speaking wrong, so I don't speak at all. If I let myself out will I be hugged or hated? I so hate arguing, fighting, and even debating. Someone ends up right while someone ends up wrong. One ends up feeling proud for how smart they are and how well they handled it, while the other feels like an idiot who's not worth much. Oh how I long for heaven. Where we won't sin & hurt each other anymore. Where there'll be no more pain, suffering, and heartache. Where there'll be no more separation and insecurity. LORD help me, I need comfort and peace. Give me the grace to live life gracefully. Thank you for being my Shepherd who'll be with me & lead me through. Sorry I'm a downer today friends. I do love you.

Friday, November 04, 2005


How can you tell the difference between being religious and following the GOD's Holy Spirit? Surfing. Have you ever been surfing? Well, being religious is like paddling out, while following the Spirit is like catching the wave and riding it... let me explain. When you paddle out, you are working with all your strength, fighting the waves coming at you. Hard and tiring. When you catch the wave, the waves are no longer your enemy but your friend. All you have to do is come into agreement with the wave (a couple paddles & the wave catches you), then you STAND UP and RIDE - no more work, you just stand. You have freedom on that wave but as soon as you go at odds to the wave, the ride's over. It's back to work (paddling out & fighting) or come back into agreement & ride again! Unlike surfing, when following God's Spirit the ride doesn't have to end ever and once you catch the wave, you never have to paddle out again - your choice! As for me, I sometimes fall off the board; but then I get back on, catch the wave, and RIDE! (Did I tell you that riding a wave gives you an ear to ear perma-grin?!?

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Testing...123 testing

Tests, ah yes. Other than testing for my amateur radio license and CPR/first aid license, I haven't done a test in about 20 years - until tonight. I did math and english tests for placement in college. I was a bit nervous but I think I did OK. On one part of the english test, we were to choose from a given set of possibilities the subject for an essay. The one I chose also happened to need me to speak of God and some of my testimony! I didn't plan it that way but there it is. Somebody correcting my paper needed to hear about the Lord and his mercy. I even started off wrong, having to cross it out, but that gave some of my background with the Lord. I praise Him that He can use my simple placement test for His glory! It'll take a week for me to get the test results, but that'll show me what classes I'll need to start off in next semester. I also ran into a former fellow volunteer for Muskegon Pregnancy Services (I'm the former, she still volunteers.). She was there before I began volunteering there and she's still there. She's on her last year at MCC before she moves on to GVU (Psych major I think). It was good to see her and catch up a bit. Also, check out the new links - to Anna, Stephanie, and Leslie's blogs.