Chatterboxes and other things
I confess that my server was
innocent of the problem with the chatterbox. The place I got it from is no longer making them available. Goes to show what happens when you
jump to conclusions. Thanks Stephanie for doing the investigative work that brought the mystery to light. I bet you'd make a grand detective! I also thank you for finding another chatterbox to use. It's even better than the last one! Goes to show that "
All things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purposes."! - Even the things that are upsetting at the time. I'll more than likely still change servers - we've been having problems sending and receiving photo's and such over emails ever since we changed to this server. For their sakes I hope they get their problems worked out. I thank the LORD for restoring my lost purse today! Be blessed and may God be glorified!
I wish I would make a great detective, so thanks. In real life I would be awful at it. I'm not analytical enough.
Sometimes being curious enough to check things out gets you further than you think.
Yeah, try telling me that during math class!
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