Can't see for the rainPouring down around me, beside me, through me.
Hear the pounding tempo on the surfaces about -
Echoing, silencing.
Feel the tiny pressures on the nerves under my skin -
Timeless, endless.
Pouring rain around me
Echoing through time
Flowing by in a glistening rush
Cleanse all that you touch.
Reminds me that
"Jesus is returning for His church - cleansed by the washing with the water of the Word"
I walk by faith and not by sight,
By the power of His might
As I listen and obey God's Word.
God is so good, but sometimes His hand isn't seen at first. Faith.
Such a good poem Colleen. Good post. In case all of you didn't realize this, Colleen wrote that poem all by her little self. Good,huh! This comment is sponsered in part by the word "Good."
Thanks Anna (blush).
I knew that she wrote it all by herself. That must be 'cause I'm a college student (pat on the back). I can tell these things, see. That was awesome Colleen. Very inspired.
*This comment is sponsored in part by the word "Awesome".
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