Monday, November 07, 2005

I don't know what to say

Hi. I about said it all in the title today. I've had an up & down day. Trouble sleeping this week. Struggle with a headache that won't go away. Sometimes I get sad. Sad at all the pain & trouble we cause each other. Sad at how I so often fall short. Sometimes I'm a fraidy cat, especially when it comes to relating with people. Afraid of rejection, so I hide. Afraid of speaking wrong, so I don't speak at all. If I let myself out will I be hugged or hated? I so hate arguing, fighting, and even debating. Someone ends up right while someone ends up wrong. One ends up feeling proud for how smart they are and how well they handled it, while the other feels like an idiot who's not worth much. Oh how I long for heaven. Where we won't sin & hurt each other anymore. Where there'll be no more pain, suffering, and heartache. Where there'll be no more separation and insecurity. LORD help me, I need comfort and peace. Give me the grace to live life gracefully. Thank you for being my Shepherd who'll be with me & lead me through. Sorry I'm a downer today friends. I do love you.


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