Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Computer woes

It happened almost a month ago. It began innocently enough. I have kodak software and opted for the automatic updater...big mistake. The software popped up stating there was an update and do I want to update it.
I said yes :(
After it updated, it wanted to update the catalog files.
I said yes :(
From that point on, the computer takes almost forever (I'm only exaggerating a little!) to boot up.

That's not the end of the woes. Sigh. Sometimes the attempt at a cure can make things worse.

I didn't realize the problem was the updated software at the time because about the same time I found a suspicious looking file on the computer. So... I went online and got spyware and registry cleaner software off the internet (shareware) to try to fix the problem. Not a good idea when you don't know what you are doing. I ran both and I removed what they found without knowing what I was removing.

Guess what happened? You guessed it, my boot-up problem didn't change and I made more problems for myself. I found out my microsoft programs now can't be updated because I'm missing some necessary temporary files (I did find I can re-obtain these from microsoft though, they're the ones who checked my computer over the internet and found the problem.) I've also recently discovered that I can't put comments on chatterboxes from this computer either. (I assume also missing files are the culprit.) So friends, I've wanted to put comments in your chatterboxes but unless I go to work, I can't until I figure out this computer mess.

I've been told to just re-format and start over. Wonderful idea but one problem. I neglected to make an emergency start-up disc with all the programs that came with the computer when we first got the computer. If I reformatted, I would either have to copy and reload what I have now, which of course would be dumb because I'd have the same problems, or obtain a new operating system sans office programs. So, for now, I'll try to keep muddling through.

Perhaps oggix can tell me what I'm missing and supply it for me so I can put comments on chatterboxes? I still need to fix the boot problem too. I tried uninstalling the kodak software but the boot is still veeerrrrryyy slow. If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to them, so long as my woes don't increase by them! Until then, please be patient with us (me & the computer that is!).


At 9:41 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Hi Colleen,

Sorry to hear about your computer nightmere; I've had them myself.

The most important thing you can do is backup all of your data and photos asap. Given your situation, your computer sounds very unstable and theres a possibility that it could completely poop out, which could be caused by another auto-update of something or boot-up failure.

I highly suggest using a USB hard drive to backup your files, photos, favorites, email (if your not using webmail), etc). If you don't already have a usb hard drive, it's a good long-term backup solution investment to have.

I hate to say it also, but a re-format very well may be your best course of action. Based on your comments,I presume you don't have the restore disks that may have come with the computer when it was new. If you do have them, some manufacturers will give the the option of restoring systme files without deleting your data. If you don't have the originals and have MS Office, the MS Office Student Edition will be your least expensive solution.

Let me know if I can be of further help. Also, Joe L. from chruch is a good pc tech, and works for me about a day a week. You may want to get in touch with him for his assesment before doing anything (except backing everything up, of course ;)


At 10:32 PM, Blogger Colleen said...

Thanks Jeff for all your input. I'll have to check for cds that may have come with the computer. I already put all my photos on cds and important documents. I can just write down my favorites. I may have a line on MSXP Professional (I'll have to check) but it doesn't come with any bonus programs (MS office, etc.) I'll check with Joe too. Thanks again.

At 9:35 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

Cool. Btw, if you do have alot of favorites and are using Windows XP, the favorites folder (shaped like a star) resides at:

C:\Documents and Settings\"your user name"\Favorites


At 4:25 PM, Blogger Colleen said...

Thanks Jeff!

At 11:41 AM, Blogger Stephenie said...

yikes! i feel bad for you. i have been getting a pop up screen from kodak to update too. i haven't yet and don't think i will. i'm also so bad about backing things up! i feel inspired to be more thorough.


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