How can you tell the difference between being religious and following the GOD's Holy Spirit? Surfing. Have you ever been surfing? Well, being religious is like paddling out, while following the Spirit is like catching the wave and riding it... let me explain. When you paddle out, you are working with all your strength, fighting the waves coming at you. Hard and tiring. When you catch the wave, the waves are no longer your enemy but your friend. All you have to do is come into agreement with the wave (a couple paddles & the wave catches you), then you STAND UP and RIDE - no more work, you just stand. You have freedom on that wave but as soon as you go at odds to the wave, the ride's over. It's back to work (paddling out & fighting) or come back into agreement & ride again! Unlike surfing, when following God's Spirit the ride doesn't have to end ever and once you catch the wave, you never have to paddle out again - your choice! As for me, I sometimes fall off the board; but then I get back on, catch the wave, and RIDE! (Did I tell you that riding a wave gives you an ear to ear perma-grin?!?
This is such a great analogy colleen! And I can identify because I'm a surfer! Well... I've surfed...once. Thanks for the encouragement.
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