Sunday, September 30, 2007

Mosaic & acorns

Remember last year (maybe not) when I said I'd post the mosaic I made at my sister's? Well here it is.

I've got my eye on you!

Saturday I did some yardwork. Do you know much about oaks and acorns? I raked just a small section of the yard under two oak trees. It's a good year for acorns on that particular type of oak! (I'm not sure which kind it is.) See photos below:

Some leaves, grass, & moss but mostly acorns!

The area you see in front of the fence to just this side of the trees is the only area I raked. The pile on the 4' x 6' tarp is about a foot high and almost all acorns. Heavy too, I'd say 50 lbs. or more. And the acorns are still falling! I heard that a lot of acorns means a hard winter. Is that true or not? It also seems that we have a heavy acorn crop about every other year. All I know is I have to rake them up! Some deer and squirrels will have some easy pickings from my acorn pile in the woods :)

Oh, and schools going ok. First test of the semester in Calculus Wednesday. Then only two more tests in that class to go! (Did anyone ever tell you drafting is fun? Well it is!!!)