Friday, September 22, 2006


The news came yesterday...I leave for Guatemala Wednesday morning at 6 AM and I'll be back the following Wednesday.

For anyone who doesn't know, my sister Cindy is adopting a little girl from a Guatemalan orphanage and we (my Mother, sister Sue, and I) will be going with her to get Gabrielle. I'm looking forward to it. I've only been out of the country as far as the border of Canada and the border of Mexico, so this will be a new experience for me. This orphanage has an apartment on the premises for those adopting, so we will be staying there. I'm interesting in seeing the children and how the orphange is run, and we will also do some sightseeing. I will post more on Guatemala when I return (with pictures!).

For now, I'm focused on getting done everything that must be done before I go. One little twist is school. I'm going to attend a Tuesday nite class to replace the Thursday nite class I'd miss otherwise. I will have a test in both my classes the day after I return which brings a little bit of stress. So, I want to get as much of my schoolwork done as possible before I go. (I don't want to spend all my time down there doing homework!) I will have to do some of my math and study for both tests while in Guatemala. Lord willing, it will all work out.

I missed the Irish Music Festival and was too late to send in my limerick, so I'll share it with you.

There once was a man from Japan,
Who moved all the way to Iran.
Then he said "Oh, no!
The bombs gonna blow!"
And sped his way back home again.

Have a great weekend everybody!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Depth of Character

What is depth of character?

I've been watching LOST and something strikes me about the people on the show...many are becoming less 2-dimensional and more 3-dimensional. Their characters are developing, good or bad.

I looked up "character" in the dictionary. One meaning is: moral strength. That lead me to look up "moral", which has to do with knowing right from wrong. Thinking about it, our character is formed by the choices we make, right or wrong, when faced with difficult situations.

I see this in LOST, their backgrounds and the choices they made in the situations they were in. I feel differing emotions based on what they've went through and their choices, like sympathy or pity, frustration or anger. I also find myself putting me in their position, empathizing.

Then I see them in their present situation, facing difficulties, dangers, and themselves. "Many in the valley of decision." Seeing their backgrounds and choices they made in the past, will they make choices consistent with their past or will they step above it and make better choices? Or step lower and make worse?

Only watching more episodes will tell for LOST.

Only the outcome of our lives will tell for us.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

How do you know the external world exists? My musings.

First, I have not researched this topic or what the philosophers views are on this. I have heard of this philosophical question, around 10 years ago. Taking the question at face value, I pondered.

First, why would one ask this question? What are they really asking? It sounds to me like: Can we believe what our senses and those of our machines and science percieves? Or is it all a figment of our imaginations and we're all really floating thoughts, making it all up?

I think of God first. Do these philosophers believe in God? If yes, then fine. What if they don't? What they're saying is I don't believe in God because my senses, machines, and science don't perceive God. In saying this they are saying they don't really believe their own philosophies. The philosophy is we can't believe our senses but saying I don't believe in God because I can't sense God says I believe my senses rather than the possibility of anything outside my senses. Hypocrisy.

On to other things.

I know that some people can't see. They are without the sense of sight. If I see something and they don't, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, rather that the blind person lacks the sense to perceive what exists.

What about when two people are at the same event, side by side, and if you ask each person to say what they experienced, it's different. Why? Is it because each was in a different dimension so saw a different event? I don't think so. Each second, billions (if not more, even much more) of bits of information enter our brain through our senses but our brain lacks the capacity to process all of it. So we make billions of conscious and unconscious decisions of what info is a keeper and what will be trashed. Two people will keep/trash different information at the same event. Not only that but we have varying backgrounds and experiences which causes us to interpret the very same information differently. Because of this, each person will have a different experience. If the experiences differ does it mean the event never happened? No. The event is true. Does the experience of one invalidate the experience of the other? No, rather the experiences put together are more apt to be accurate than one alone.

One critical thing here - sometimes we trash very important information key to correctly interpreting our experiences, like a colorblind person who because of their inability to receive the color signals would see the event as black and white. Our backgrounds and experiences can also tip our perception into misinterpreting events to where we believe what isn't true and put a spin on an event that doesn't exist.

If we perceive differently, the event still happened. If we perceive similarly, perhaps we kept nearly the same info and have similar backgrounds and experiences, and the event still happened. In my estimation, the external world exists, our senses are working fine. But on the other hand, just because we don't sense something doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Instead perhaps we just lack the ability to sense and perceive it like the blind person mentioned earlier.

God cannot be perceived by our senses - only by our faith.

Does the external world exist? I say yes. To say no is to deny existence since we cannot separate ourselves from our senses. I've heard of sensory deprivation tanks. I think the brain deals with this through bringing up what was sensed before, like a dream.

We are who we are, and what is, is.