A Day in the Life
Today, like most days, are filled up. I thought I'd share a day in my life - namely, today.Like every morning, I start with coffee, the Bible, and prayer. I'm reading Psalms right now. Some days God really speaks to me through the Bible and/or prayer. Today He spoke to me about unity, my need to praise Him, His greatness, His judgement and compassion, and the worthlessness of idols. Then I get ready for the day. I'm in a hurry this morning, so cranberry raisin toast with cream cheese eaten on the drive to school is breakfast.
I park in the back parking lot today because they're doing construction in the front where I usually park. On clear days I just carry my books, but it looks like rain so I use my bookbag and bring along an umbrella, just in case. When I get to class, I spend some time talking with others there about what we're doing in class, how we're doing, where we work, and the weekend. One girl I really feel for. Her mom had her take four classes (14 credit hours), which normally is full-time. She also works 30 hrs/wk. In spring semester, the semester is half as long as normal, so her full-time school is double time plus she works. She's not doing too well needless to say. I pray for her. When class starts at 8AM, we go over problems from homework, then a lecture on the next section, 5 min. break, then continued lecture until 10AM, homework assignment and what'll be on the test next Tuesday. I meet the girl I mentioned earlier in the ladies room on the way out (unintentionally). I comment on how glad I am of a 3-day weekend - she agrees, she needs a break. (Before class she'd said she has to work all weekend.) Then I'm out the door and on the road again.
Normally I'd be going to work from here but today I have a physical. I don't want to go, but if I go, I won't have to come back for another year, Lord willing. I meet a lady in a wheelchair helped by a man (husband? brother? friend? I don't know) when entering the ladies room there. They seem to be awkward getting in the door so I offer that if they let me in first I can hold the door for her. They're grateful. She tells me she's had surgery on her hip twice now - that's why she's in the wheelchair. She comments that they don't think of everything for those who are handicapped. Once in the bathroom everything is ok. But the door to get in and out is near impossible to manage. So I commisserate and hold the door for her on the way out. In the waiting room, I read some of my assignment for math. Then I'm called in. After the exam, I have to make an appointment for a mammogram (Did you know that after 40 they require one every year? Yuck!) While the lady makes the appt. I continue reading my math. She gives me the appt. but never consulted with me before making it, so I'll have to call the hospital myself later and re-schedule it. Later. I'm off again.
Twenty minute drive to work. Collect mail. It's 11:30AM. I get lunch (crackers and cheese, salad, hard-boiled egg, and a banana with some chocolate sneaked in during the afternoon). While eating my lunch I check email and blogs, enter bills. Mom (who's working with me while Anna's gone) discovers a problem with the parts. I ask her to backtrack the parts and I'll cut the extra material off the plastic. I fax a late invoice payment notice to a company. Then out to the shop to cut plastic. I cut material for upcoming parts, trim the parts for Mom and give them back to her, cut more plastic. In the midst, I apply red tape to some parts for my Mom, pack parts to ship, do the paperwork, and set the boxes by the door for UPS to pick up later. Off and on during this time I email my boss on some pertinent items. Finally finished cutting plastic. I had to finish it before my Mom left because I can't use the machinery with nobody else there and I'm giving her tomorrow off. It's now 4PM and my Mom leaves. I clean up the shop vacuuming everything. (Plastic dust gets EVERYWHERE so I even have to vacuum myself off!) Then I check emails and blogs one more time while counting out black wire to make lights, pulling off the extra insulation on the ends. I crimp together wires and LEDs until 5:30PM. Time to go home.
Ten minutes to home. I pick up the newspaper on the way in, looking at the headlines, then grab the mail. Once in the house, Mom did a load of wash, so I put away my clothes. I read more in math for a few minutes, then dinner's ready. Chicken breast in mushroom soup sauce, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and asparagus - a feast! Mmmmmm. After dinner, I clean off the table and put away the leftovers. Then back to math. I finish reading and start doing problems. Part-way through, my Mom's cousin Jean comes over (she lives two houses down from us) and chats with Mom. My brother Dan calls and we talk for a while about his allergies & I suggest a new allergy medicine. I ask him about this weekend (my sister is planning a Memorial Day get-together). Then I hand the phone over to my Mom, and talk with Jean awhile. My Mom hangs up and we three talk for a while. Then I head back to do more math. At 9PM I finish math - yeaaaa! I need to upgrade the operating system on my calculator. I start getting into that but I run into snags. . . I need to get new batteries and read up more on how to do it - my calc isn't doing what they say it should when downloading. Maybe I can get it tomorrow night. So at 9:45 I begin this post - it's been nearly a month since I last posted - wow!
When I finish here, I'll read a little from the Bible, pray, and go to bed with God being the last one I speak with before I fall asleep. Good-night.
I loved your post! It was really intersting to hear a day in the life of someone else! You are indeed a very busy person. Thanks for letting us have a glimpse into your life.
Are you the "boss" at your company?
On site, yes, but I have an off-site boss who's the owner. Just so you know, generally it's just me and one other person here unless we get really busy and call in my Mom - the back-up troop of one.
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