Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Chris, this one's for you!

You asked for a bizarre question so I'll reiterate mine from the chatterbox: When you're way out in the middle of Lake Michigan fishing, where do all those biting black flies come from?

Of course, after Chris has answered my question, feel free everyone to add your two cents (or even three!).


At 7:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Horse-flies are among the world's largest flies. There are over 3,000 different species of horsefly (about 350 in the U.S.) Some can be more than an inch long! The female horseflies feed on blood and some flesh, while males only feed on nectar-because they don't have the proboscis(knife like parts that cut like scissors) necessary to pierce skin.
The reason you find them on the lake is that they are mostly aquatic insects, and the larvae are born in water. Something really cool, the larvae have chewing/tearing mouthparts! They feed on snails and earthworms(sorry Anna, your worms just became dinner!). Some species can live for more than one year!

At 8:03 AM, Blogger Colleen said...

How about the black flies that look like house flies?

At 9:12 AM, Blogger Stephenie said...

i have been unfortunate enough to experience these pests. all i know is that they are brought in with the wind at times. it must depend upon the direction of the wind i suppose.

At 9:21 AM, Blogger Colleen said...

I think you're right about them being blown in but I noticed out on the lake that it doesn't have to be windy for them to be there. Maybe they can walk on the water tension? But why would they hang out in the middle of the lake? Perhaps they were blown out there, suspend on the water tension, and are so hungry that when they find anything closely resembling meat (me!), it's fair game.

At 6:37 AM, Blogger Christopher said...

They could be sand-flies, may-flies, deer-flies, or stable flies(they look a lot like the ordinary housefly) but I'm not sure. The male horse-fly is normal sized and looks fairly plain. Again, it is the female you have to watch out for! This summer, if you see any, look at the eyes and tell me if their brightly colored or not. Also, there is plenty of food to eat out on the lake for a fly.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Colleen said...

Ok Chris, if I'm out at the lake and they're biting me, I'll look-em in the eye before killing them. Then I'll get back with ya.

At 9:44 AM, Blogger Christopher said...

Wow! I guess that is kinda silly! I just meant for identification purposes only! I guess it didn't make a whole lot of sense, huh? Just swat and they'll die! Ha, ha!

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Colleen said...

It made fine sense to solve the mystery of the flies, but if they bite me, I'm swatting them!

At 7:39 AM, Blogger Jeff said...

I think the reason that they are there is because they are hungry and know there is food to be had; creatures that travel in noisey fiberglass and aluminum vehicles. Creatures that hold sticks over the sides of these vehicles.
Btw, joking aside, is Chris into biology or just a wealth of great knowledge?

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Colleen said...

I think his wisdom is vast - and he's trying to stay one step ahead of Zack (hee-hee). Anyway, I appreciate his love of learning.


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