Saturday, March 04, 2006

"Paycheck" and "Equilibrium"

Last night I throughly enjoyed pizza and movies with two friend of mine. On the way home, I pondered the movies. We watched "Paycheck" and "Equilibrium".

What was it about the movies that really moved me? In "Paycheck" the guy was a genius who ended up out-smarting the bad guys. I think putting myself in the place of the hero (let's set aside that he's a guy and I'm a girl), makes me feel powerful in my intelligence. Lust for power, in essence. How about "Equilibrium"? Well, the guy went from bad to good but what was really impressive was his almost inhuman ability to fight and destroy the enemy, especially in impossible odds. Powerful. What's the interest in the marvel comic characters? Power. Don't get me wrong, these characters also are very complicated, having weaknesses and endearing qualities. But my focus is on what really draws us to these characters - I think it's their power. Movies like this are exciting and enjoyable but I think I need to guard my heart that it doesn't stir up in my heart a lust for power - be it in physical, mental, or a charismatic personality (not in the religious sense) prowess. I see being controlling and manipulative as seeking power as well. I confess, I have sought physical and mental prowess (I don't have what it takes for a charismatic personality). I have also been controlling and manipulative. I've even tried to manipulate God - to my shame. This helps me understand why God wants us to be humble followers and not lead as the world leads, lording it over people, but to be a servant leader. He knows our weakness. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Even some power leads to pride and a fall. Only GOD is qualified to be powerful - only GOD (all three members of the Trinity) isn't corrupted by power. Our sinful human nature grabs at power, runs with it, until we destroy not only those around us but ourselves. Jesus was our example. He showed us what it is to be humble and a servant leader. When people tried to make him a king, He avoided them. Why? Because then He wouldn't be showing us how we need to live. He would have ruled justly and wisely (as He will when He returns) but then we would have thought we could do the same. We can't.

I also learned about God in relation to me through the movie "Paycheck". I hope not to give away too much but I have to say some to be clear. The hero saw the future, but he knew he wouldn't remember, so he sent himself articles he knew he'd need. I see God in this. Only God knows our future and He provides for us ahead of time, knowing what we'll need. When he provides, we may not have a clue as to what it's for - but God knows that a time is coming when we'll need it. It'll make sense to us at the time we need to use it. Sometimes God doesn't provide until just the time we have need. We worry that He won't be there. That calls for faith - faith that God knows where we are and what we need - faith to trust that when the right time comes, He'll provide. Faith to trust that what God has given us, we'll need one day, even if we don't understand right now.

I'm thankful for having good friends and I'm happy I saw these movies because God used them to teach me. I also enjoyed the movies in themselves. I'll probably see more movies that may tempt me toward power-lust. If I know to guard my heart and do it, I can safely watch these shows and enjoy them. If I see in my life a turning toward lust for power in any way, I think I'll have to cut myself off from watching such shows.


At 7:10 PM, Blogger dawn2454 said...

Good to hear you found Jesus. He certainly takes care of the holes in our hearts & our lives, and loves us no matter what. All we need to do is to believe & put our trust in Him and have faith that He will provide for us. Thanks for your comments & encouragement on my blog. Praying you will find success in your return to college for your engineering degree.


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