Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Surprising answer to prayer!

Yesterday morning during my prayer time I asked God for something I don't usually ask for - I asked Him to bless me.

Immediately after I asked, I had a vision of a child who's father had come home. The father was stout with a white/gray beard approximatly 6" long and wearing a dark coat with several pockets. The child expects some surprise from him and begins poking her little hands into the various pockets.

I was soooo concerned that I wouldn't be able to recognize the blessing. I was telling God that I didn't trust my being able to reconize it and I told him I felt like I didn't have the hands to reach into the pockets for the blessing. Then I said I'd trust Him and keep my eyes open for the blessing.

Yesterday afternoon at work, I was working at a table close to a window. Where I work are many windows and the shop is situated in a fairly open area with a meadowish field around it. I was startled to see a fuzzy (hair sticking straight out - I think it was cold) 6" or so rodent running/hopping across the top of the snow toward the window and to the building. I lost site of him close to the building under my window. Suddenly I was startled to see it's head pop up out of the snow a few feet away from the building. After that, he'd burrow under the snow a couple of feet, pop back up, look around, go under again, go another few feet, and pop up again. He continued this toward the front of the building. Then I lost site of him again. Then I saw a running movement of the snow that looking like a mole or ground squirrel path but in the snow, then he popped up again. He re-checked some holes he'd previously popped out of then he disappeared and didn't come back. He was so very entertaining and cute. I thanked God for him and told Anna that this was the blessing God showed me that morning.

I realized later how accurate the vision God gave me was. The dark coat and the white/gray beard on the father represented the colors of the rodent - dark from just about cheek level up and all down it's back, and whitish/gray under chin, neck and belly. The pockets on the coat were the various little holes the rodent popped up out of. It looked stout like the father when I first saw it because it's hair was sticking out, although once it started popping in and out of the holes, it looked skinny - like the child's small hands. Lastly, it was about 6" long like the father's beard.

I looked up tonight what it was - it's called a Least Weasel, the tiniest carnivore. Here is a link to it Least Weasel at E-Nature.

God showed me that not only does He answer even our small prayers, but He also showed me I don't have to worry about recognizing the answer - He's fully capable of giving me enough information that I will readily recognize that answer. My God is sooooo awesome. Thank you LORD.


At 8:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How wonderful God is to us.
He delights in us and loves to show us his tender care.

I was glad that I was able to enjoy your blessing too. He was an awefully cute little guy!

At 3:56 PM, Blogger Stephenie said...

Boy, that just tickled me pink. I really think that God wants us to look at him as a Father in this way! How exciting!!


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